The exhibition design for intangible heritage. Analysing the Paço do Frevo
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-291-3/622021
heritage requalification, museography, communications technology, hybrid architecture, intangible heritage
The interventions in the built heritage seeking to insert cities in the globalised tourism circuits are a broad field of contemporary theoretical research. In Brazil, the Roberto Marinho Foundation has become an important agent for the creation of recent museums, by applying the perspective of the integrative design, that seeks to connect architecture, museography and content. This text will focus on the analysis of Paço do Frevo, an important case study on the application of this methodology for the treatment of intangible heritage. We intend to investigate the interest of private foundations in integrative design, reflecting about its possibilities and limits on the treatment of intangible heritage. The main documentary sources used were the architectural and museographic projects, complemented by the analysis of both museological plan and articles published in newspapers and specialised magazines in addition to the collection of semi-structured interviews of professionals responsible for the project.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 32-53
Bianca Manzon Lupo
Author(s) Biography
Bianca Manzon Lupo, PhD Researcher and Master at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo – FAU USP (Brazil), is a Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Mogi das Cruzes (UMC) and of the Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE). Member of the Brazilian Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM-BR). E-mail: bianca.lupo@usp.br
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