adaptation, climate mitigation, smart urban metabolism, climate change, ecological transition
The paper discusses the relationship between adaptation and mitigation in the different dimensions (temporal, spatial, economic, political, psychological, social, and finally designing), to highlight the existing or potential links, in the perspective of a systemic and multi-scale design approach, capable of integrating its benefits. This strategy is based on widespread technological awareness, on smart metering, and on available IoT technologies, which can be integrated into buildings to govern the metabolism of matter and energy of the urban system. The essay relates disciplinary and specialized scientific approaches, making a synthesis focused on the theme of the relationship between global warming, ecological transition, enabling technologies, and perception of the risks associated with climate change in progress.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 74-89
Riccardo Pollo, Matteo Trane
Author(s) Biography
Riccardo Pollo, Architect and PhD, is an Associate Professor in Architectural Technology at the Department of Architecture and Design at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). His research activity concerns of sustainable architectural and urban design, architectural design management and quality. Formerly main partner of his own architectural firm. Mob. +39 348/97.92.428 | E-mail: riccardo.pollo@polito.it
Matteo Trane, Master Degree in Architecture for Sustainability Design, is a Research Assistant at the Department of Architecture and Design at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). He carries out research activity in the field of environmental design, with particular reference to urban microclimate and urban metabolism. Mob. +39 347/67.18.481 | E-mail: matteo.trane@polito.it
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