internal areas development, social cohesion, resiliency, smart polis, urban regeneration
Many European inland territories often hold important cultural and landscape resources that have not been affected by the process of globalization and that preserve intact those features of authenticity and uniqueness. This kind of resources appears particularly suitable for developing alternative forms of tourism, to strengthen the knowledge of local communities and to capture the attention of an extra-regional audience. The paper presents the case of the Irpinia territory and of the city of Avellino in the Campania region, where the ITABC of CNR has developed a research project for the realization of an innovative model of integrated heritage management as a basis for the construction of a more general strategy for marginal areas’ development.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
Resilient strategies for marginal areas’ development. The case of Avellino smart polis
pp. 226-247
Elena Gigliarelli, Bruna Di Palma
Author(s) Biography
Elena Gigliarelli is an Architect Research Scientist at the Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences of CNR. Her research focuses on the documentation, conservation and valorization of the monumental and archaeological heritage and the historic urban landscape. The research also aims to identify new design strategies, technology solutions, and systems of governance for the regeneration of historical centers towards the so-called Smart Polis@.
Bruna Di Palma, Architect and PhD, is an Architectural and Urban Design teacher at the Architecture Department of ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy) and is a young researcher at the Institute of Cultural Heritage Science – National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISPC). Her research activities are mainly focused on historical centers development, enhancement of cultural heritage and archaeological areas, landscape and architecture design.
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