Nature-based solutions and biophilic design. Eco-systemic approaches to regeneration
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/772022
nature-based solutions, biophilic design, eco-system services, urban and technological regeneration, quality of life
From the perspective of ecological transition, environmental design has assumed a central role in political strategies and design thinking on urban regeneration and energy and technological upgrading. The improvement of the environmental performance of cities and buildings tends toward two major results: higher quality of life and places according to socio-economic and aesthetic-cultural criteria; a balanced relationship between the built environment and the natural environment, with the related energy and ecosystem benefits. The contribution reflects the trans-scalar character of environmental regeneration and redevelopment processes in the broad spectrum of solutions suggested by the biophilic approach. Nature-based solutions are discussed as a means to pursue the improvement of the physical, social and environmental quality of the urban and built environment.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 118-131
Lidia Errante
Author(s) Biography
Lidia Errante, Architect and PhD, is a Research Fellow in Sustainable Building at the Department of Architecture and Territory of the ‘Mediterranea’ University of Reggio Calabria (Italy). She carries out research activities in the field of quality of urban life and socio-spatial studies aimed at the design of urban public space and the residential relevance of public housing districts. She works on sustainable redevelopment of the built heritage using green technologies. Mob. +39 388/18.20.607 | E-mail: lidia.errante@unirc.it
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