soft mobility, playful experience, phygital product, kid-centred design, product-service for kids
The collaboration between Italtrike, an Italian company producing ride-on toys for children between 1 to 6 years of age, and a group of researchers from the Politecnico di Milano gave rise to the design of a new product system capable of encouraging, promoting and facilitating motricity in preschool children, through play and digital technologies. The modern day challenge is that of responding to the demands of design and innovation generated by digital transformation and not losing sight of the child’s values and needs from the emotional, physical, cognitive and relational perspective. During a Design Laboratory involving a number of researchers from the Politecnico di Milano and expert designers of Design for Kids & Toys, it was possible to delve into the theme of Sustainable Product-Service for Children’s Soft Mobility by developing an innovative product, both on the level of response to children’s specific needs and from a technological point of view.
Design | Research & Experimentation
Sustainable product-service for children’s soft mobility. Flurry, the indoor-outdoor bike
pp. 253-266
Arianna Vignati, Benedetta Terenzi
Author(s) Biography
Arianna Vignati, Researcher | Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Benedetta Terenzi, Researcher | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Perugia, Italy
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