Environmental design. Nature and pathways connecting Cadorna Station and Triennale Milano
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/7142022
environmental sustainability, green infrastructures, design of cultural eco-systemic services, inclusion, nature, and art
This article investigates the Master Plan measures for the environmental, cultural, and social regeneration of a highly historical and monument-dense area of Milan, by the European guidelines against climate and environment-related issues, in the framework of a competitive and efficient economy in terms of natural resources. We present several approaches to foster a dialogue on the cross-discipline character of climate-adaptive design in urban contexts as a research ground for the development of strategies and innovative solutions, as well as new cultural models to support the green transformation of anthropized environments.
Design | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 248-269
Davide Bruno, Felice D’Alessandro
Author(s) Biography
Davide Bruno, Architect and industrial design PhD, is an Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). Already Member of the Commission of Patents of Polimi, he received the Golden Compass prize as part of the university project ‘Agency SDI’ in 2001. In recent years, he carried out planning activities and consultancy in the field of public transportation coordinating projects of high complexity. Mob. +39 335/27.62.99 | E-mail: davide.bruno@polimi.it
Felice D’Alessandro, Civil engineer and environmental engineering PhD, is an Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental Science and Policy of the University of Milan. He was a partner in national and EU projects. He carried out physical model tests in high-qualified international laboratories. His research activity mainly focuses on environmental hydraulics and risk assessment. Mob. +39 347/14.88.756 | E-mail: felice.dalessandro@unimi.it
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