sustainability, resilience, hybrid communities, covid-19, built environment
The circumstances of the global pandemic have affected the dynamics of everyday life, accelerating processes of radical transformation of living, in its physical, social and virtual dimensions, oriented towards the creation of enabling ecosystems, resilient places and communities. Institutional, social and design innovations related to the main sustainability policies, Hybrid Communities of Place – social formations ‘cultivated in digital space’ – and sustainable urban and architectural transformation practices are therefore examined to identify the most concrete, credible and commensurate with the complexity of this century’s challenges. In a post-pandemic perspective, the contribution suggests to consider public residential neighbourhoods as places of great physical and social, energetic and environmental complexity, in which to experiment with the renewed values of urban and architectural design.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 32-45
Lidia Errante
Author(s) Biography
Lidia Errante, Architect and PhD, is a Research Fellow in Sustainable Building at the Department of Architecture and Territory of the ‘Mediterranea’ University of Reggio Calabria (Italy). She carries out research activities in the field of quality of living and socio-spatial studies related to social housing and public space. Mob. +39 388/18.20.607 | E-mail: lidia.errante@unirc.it
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