resilience, public space, contemporary city, urban voids, quality
To increase the quality of life and stimulate the sense of belonging of the inhabitants, it is necessary to place the public space at the centre of the design strategies, giving it a key role in the regeneration process of the contemporary city. Numerous examples in which resilience strategies are integrated with the design of the public space, creating efficient proposals from both an ecological/environmental and social point of view, are proposed. Resilience tactics can operate as a tool to transform urban voids into quality public spaces. These can be set as a ‘frame’ for the configuration of a new resilient city, which is able to change itself by building new social, cultural, economic and environmental responses that allow it to resist the stresses of the environment and history.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
Resilience and public space. Quality combination for the contemporary city
pp. 130-143
Maria Giada Di Baldassarre
Author(s) Biography
Maria Giada Di Baldassarre, Building Engineer, PhD Student at the Department of Civil, Building Engineering and Architecture, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona (Italy). She conducts research mainly in the field of architectural design and urban planning concerning climate change and urban metabolisms.
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