Communication design for health. Territorial and digital networks
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/7152022
territorial network, health and wellness,
mediation, communication design, community ‘empowerment’
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic emergency, there has been renewed interest in issues related to health, prevention and community well-being. Health communication and the promotion of disease prevention now require a theoretical and design approach that first and foremost requires the identification of appropriate tools to enhance ‘intersectorality,’ ‘collaboration,’ and ‘outreach’ among the different areas of expertise of the well-being and healthcare actors involved in the territory. The aim is to strengthen the process of community ‘empowerment’. This study investigates the communicative strategies suitable for enhancing the physical, virtual and digital relationships among the active presences in the territory, choosing those capable of mediating needs, promoting well-being and building a dialogue between citizens and health facilities, thus finally creating a ‘territorial health network’.
Design | Research & Experimentation
pp. 270-287
Daniela Anna Calabi, Alice Maturo, Marco Quaggiotto
Author(s) Biography
Daniela Anna Calabi is an Associate Professor at the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano (Italy). Her research is mainly in the field of communication, with particular reference to the design of perception, atmosphere and identity of territories. Mob. +39 347/42.15.182 | E-mail: daniela.calabi@polimi.it
Alice Maturo is a PhD Candidate in Communication Design, at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano (Italy). She conducts research on the issues of accessibility and territorial identity, for the strengthening of community well-being. +39 340/45.78.394 | E-mail: alice.maturo@polimi.it
Marco Quaggiotto is a Researcher at the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano (Italy). His research activity is in the field of Communication Design, with a particular focus on digital cartography and the design of digital interfaces for the exploration of complex territories and systems.Mob. +39 347/92.66.407 | E-mail: marco.quaggiotto@polimi.it
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