Removing and storing carbon in the built environment. Green and grey solutions
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/792022
carbon storage, carbon neutrality, carbon capture, embodied carbon, urban redevelopment
This paper investigates the potential of the combined use of ‘green’ and ‘grey’ solutions for removing and storing carbon in the interventions to regenerate the building stock, as relates to the goal, dictated by European policies, of halving carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The issue is of great scientific importance in light of the European and national strategies and policies illustrated in the Next Generation UE Plan and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza – PNRR). In particular, the paper illustrates the developments of research initiated by the Research Unit at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome in the context of the PRIN (project of overriding national interest) ‘TECH START’ Research and of the ‘Climate-Pandemic-Proof Design’ Research, funded by ‘Sapienza’ University. This research was carried forward through the experimental application, in a public housing neighbourhood in Rome, of ‘green’ solutions (green infrastructures) and ‘grey’ solutions (CO2 absorbing and low embodied carbon materials) working in synergy, systematically assessing their impact in terms of reducing climate-altering emissions from the current state.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
pp. 148-171
Fabrizio Tucci, Paola Altamura, Valeria Cecafosso, Marco Giampaoletti
Author(s) Biography
Fabrizio Tucci is a Full Professor of Technology of Architecture at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy), where he is Director of the Department of Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture (PDTA), Director of the Level II Master in Environmental Technological Design, scientific responsible for 25 years of national and international projects and research. He is also Coordinator of the ‘Stati Generali della Green Economy’ in Architecture, and the International Expert Group of the Green City Network. Mob. +39 338/417.47.77 | E-mail: fabrizio.tucci@uniroma1.it
Paola Altamura, Architect and PhD, is a Researcher at the PDTA Department of ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy). She conducts research and experimentation on the ecological effectiveness of interventions on the built environment from the perspective of material resource efficiency, circularity and decarbonization, including through collaborations with BRE (UK) and ENEA. Mob. +39 340 51.34.638 | E-mail: paola.altamura@uniroma1.it
Valeria Cecafosso, Architect and PhD, is a Researcher at the PDTA Department of ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy). She carries out research activities in the field of technological, bioclimatic, energy, and environmental aspects and those of simulation and modelling, investigated through experimental design and technological consulting activities carried out both in Italy and abroad. Mob. +39 392/888.52.95 | E-mail: valeria.cecafosso@uniroma1.it
Marco Giampaoletti, Architect and PhD, is a Research Fellow at the PDTA Department of ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy), with Level II Master in Environmental Technological Design, component member in national and international projects and researches, carries out his research activity in the field of climate mitigation strategies. Mob. +39 345/387.41.78 | E-mail: marco.giampaoletti@uniroma1.it
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