design process, ethics, design, aesthetic, ontology
The contribution aims to focus attention to the system of responsibilities that revolve around man’s ability to alter and significantly modify the landscape that surrounds him. Confronting the field of design in the broadest possible sense by bringing out the relationships between ethics and design. Offer food for thought for a change of vision that allows to identify new approaches to the design process having the attention and ethical responsibility of those called upon to plan the future in which they will live. An open debate, free from the rigid logic of the academic world in the perspective of a scientific thought that does not evolve linearly but proceeds by rhizomes of thought. The aim of the discussion is therefore not to validate a theory in demonstrating assumptions but to outline a generative matrix of thought that can provide useful elements for an interpretative exploration of transversalities related to the taxonomy of design. The purpose of the discourse is the discourse itself.
Design | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 204-217
Tiziano Manna
Author(s) Biography
Tiziano Manna, Independent Researcher, is an Associate Designer at La Scuola Open Source in Bari (Italy) where he deals with sustainability, strategic design PCM (Project Cycle Management) and GOPP (Goal Oriented Project Planning). Mob. + 39 351/83.08.830 | E-mail: tizianomanna@gmail.com
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