environmental resilience, climatic adaptation, climatic mitigation, technological retrofitting, green building approach
The primary objective of the paper1 is to produce a model providing scientific support for the project development of retrofitting initiatives for public spaces and public constructions in Italian cities, to achieve increased levels of resilience and capacity for climatic adaptation while also heightening ecosystem quality and all aspects of environmental performance, primarily to increase energy efficiency through initiatives of urban and environmental upgrading and renewal under the Green City Approach. The methodological approach is based on the following steps: establishment of a reference framework and identification of technological systems subject to experimentation; definition of working scenarios and development of alternative analyses to be applied to them with innovative instruments; focus on the most appropriate solutions, based on the results of dynamic simulations; formulation of a working model that adapts itself to different contexts.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
Resilience, adaptation and mitigation under a green building approach
pp. 156-191
Fabrizio Tucci, Serena Baiani, Domenico D’Olimpio, Paola Altamura, Gaia Turchetti
Author(s) Biography
Fabrizio Tucci, Architect and PhD, is a Full Professor in Technology of Architecture and Environmental Design, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, where he is Director of the PhD Program in Planning Design Technology of Architecture.
Serena Baiani, Architect and PhD, is an Associate Professor of Architectural Technology at the PDTA Department, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, specialized in Industrial Design.
Domenico D’Olimpio, Architect and PhD, is a Researcher and Professor of Technologies for ecological efficiency in regeneration and Materials and Construction Systems at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome.
Paola Altamura, Architect and PhD, is an Honorary Fellow in Architectural Technology at the PDTA Department and Lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome.
Gaia Turchetti, Architect and PhD at the PDTA Department, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, is specialized in Architectural and Landscape Heritage.
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