Environmental certifications in buildings. How sustainable are green buildings?
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-291-3/662021
green buildings, LEED, environmental sustainability, ecoefficiency, sustainable development
Over the last decade, urban growth in Peru has been high, leading to a renewal of the face of cities. This process is complex due to two issues, the expansion of cities and the renovation of old blocks. The first case verifies the presence in the city of different buildings with sophisticated technological applications (smart building) and the second case the control of energy and water consumption (green building). The research described the use of the database of registered projects and buildings underlying the GBC (2013-2018), using statistical analysis tools that determined patterns and trends, in terms of credits completed or met according to LEED categories. Finally, it analyzed energy, water, and other criteria that influence sustainability through MCA (multi-criteria analysis) using a double MAS type input. Green buildings contribute to environmental sustainability through site selection, use of tools to reduce energy consumption, and features that promote low emissions. They contribute less in terms of social sustainability, compared to other certifications such as BREEAM. Core and shell, New construction or Existing building are registered under the ‘low carbon’ and ‘carbon neutral’ initiatives, mostly satisfying the aspects addressed in the ‘energy & atmosphere’ criterion. However, they have a low match in eco-efficiency issues, especially with respect to water.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
pp. 96-109
Milagros Defilippi, Alexis Dueñas
Author(s) Biography
Milagros Defilippi is a Full Professor at the Department of Architecture, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Peru), in charge of subjects related to technology and environment, geometry and design workshop, with a Master in Environmental Management and a Doctorate in Sustainable Development; her research focuses on public spaces, sustainability, the environment and the quality of life of the population. E-mail: tdefilippi@unfv.edu.pe
Alexis Dueñas is a Professor at Universidad Nacional La Molina and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru, with a Master’s Degree in Environmental Management and a Doctorate in Sustainable Development; his research focuses on statistical analysis and probabilities. E-mail: fduenas@lamolina.edu.pe
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