systemic approach, innovative didactics, research, experimentation and prototyping, experiential tourism
The aim of the experience developed within Alta Scuola Politecnica, in collaboration with the world of industry, was to simultaneously implement research and teaching, through experimentation and prototyping to identify new solutions and answers to the real problems of tourism and its most recent evolution into ‘experiential tourism’. A description of the experience and an assessment of the results achieved (in terms of research, production and academic education – highlighting the potential of a multiscale approach to the management of complexity – is part of the debate on the role of Universities in training and research and on synergies with industry, seeking to provide answers to the following questions: How can the quality of higher education and research activities in Universities be guaranteed, while working towards their practical application? How can we promote the ability to make the most of the meeting between supply and demand for innovative knowledge and technologies?
pp. 138-153
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
Experential tourism. Research, experimentation and innovation
Paolo Carli, Roberto Giordano, Elena Montacchini, Silvia Tedesco
Author(s) Biography
Paolo Carli, Architect and PhD, is a Researcher at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). He carries out research activities mainly in the field of environmental design on an urban scale and buildings. Mob. +39 347/88.65.149 | E-mail: paolo.carli@polimi.it
Roberto Giordano, Architect and PhD, is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and Design at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). He carries out research activities mainly on issues related to the design, production and assessment of the eco-compatibility of building products. Mob. +39 335/70.24.072 | E-mail: roberto.giordano@polito.it
Elena Montacchini, Architect and PhD, is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and Design at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). She carries out research activities mainly on issues related to environmental sustainability, the rational use of resources, and the health and safety of users. Mob. +39 347/642.70.51 | E-mail: elena.montacchini@polito.it
Silvia Tedesco, Architect and PhD, is a Researcher at the Department of Architecture and Design at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). She carries out research activities mainly within the sphere of the experimentation and prototyping of innovative building products. Mob. +39 338/24.98.581 | E-mail: silvia.tedesco@polito.it
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