After lockdown. Light regenerative set-up and re-design of the public space
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-291-3/6112021
exhibit and public design, DIY, lockdown, temporariness, low-strategies
The permanent side effects of the lockdown, due to the spread of Covid-19, left our cities empty and silent leading us to a reflection on their future and ours, in terms of public spaces for us to inhabit and regenerate. This essay describes a few case studies and their unique modalities of adopting ‘tactical’ set-up strategies, through bottom-up procedures and top-down solutions. These case studies could be an example of regeneration of the post-Covid-19 public space, according to an innovative idea of the ‘culture of living’ which gives a ‘new life’ to marginal or neglected places. This contribution wants to outline some distinctive features of the strategic actions which can be useful to those who deal with the enhancement, upgrading and management of places of common interest.
Design | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 192-211
Roberto Bianchi
Author(s) Biography
Roberto Bianchi, Architect and PhD, is an Associate Professor of Industrial Design at Universitas Mercatorum (Italy) and Teacher for the Master of Exhibit & Public Design and for the Course of Innovative Materials and Technologies at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy). He studies topics linked to the relation between project, techniques and innovative materials. Mob. +39 339/41.85.877 | E-mail: roberto.bianchi@unimercatorum.it
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