Planning parallels between flood risk management and ecological landscape design. The Italian regulatory system and the Po River case study
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/762022
landscape architecture, ecological design, flood risk management, nature-based solutions, territorial resilience
The growing instability of river ecosystems in terms of flooding danger requires risk management systems at the territorial level that can reconcile issues like territorial protection, environmental improvement and biodiversity management. This paper explores the need to propose models that relate to the dynamics of river ecosystems rather than forcing rigid, confining infrastructures on them. This paper will analyse the potential of ecological landscape design, nature-based solutions and a case study of the Po River to set out several theoretical assumptions needed to draw up large-scale planning and design strategies, where the use of said instruments takes account of the current climate adaptation and risk reduction needs and also allows enhancing the environmental, economic and cultural value of the territory and the landscape.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 98-117
Lorenzo Tinti, Elena Verzella
Author(s) Biography
Lorenzo Tinti is a Landscape Architect and PhD Candidate at the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara (Italy). Within the working group of the Sealine Departmental Centre, he carries out teaching and research activities mainly in the field of landscape architecture, with a focus on infrastructure and environmental resilience. Professionally, he works as a consultant in the field of landscape architecture and design. Mob. +39 327/31.25.239 | E-mail: lorenzo.tinti@unife.it
Elena Verzella is an Architect and PhD Candidate at the Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara (Italy). As a member of ArcDes, she carries out teaching and research activities in the field of architecture, with a focus on urban waterfront design and nature-based solutions. In the professional field, she works as an architect in an international practice based in the Netherlands. Mob. +39 393/40.40.799 | E-mail: elena.verzella@unife.it
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