Possible and preferable scenarios of a sustainable future
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- Colophon, content, intro
- Voices from lockdown on future cities in leading magazines and online resources - Simona Talenti, Annarita Teodosio
- Hybrid communities and resilient places. Sustainability in a post-pandemic perspective - Lidia Errante
- Resilience, built environment, built heritage, culture and design in the Italian context - Federico Puggioni
- The role of the architectural project in the urban regeneration programs. Prospects and potentialities for smaller villages - Veronica Strippoli
- Adaption, migration and smart urban metabolism towards the ecological transition - Riccardo Pollo, Matteo Trane
- Intelligent information systems for the rapresentation and management of the city. Urban survey and design for resilience - Maurizio Marco Bocconcino, Massimiliano lo Turco, Mariapaola Vozzola, Anna Rabbia
- The sustainable project. Requirements and design strategies - Cristina Cellucci
- Vision and project of the social space. Reconfiguration of the Tiberius Bridge basin in Rimini - Giacomo Corda
- The robustness of cities. 2030 contended visions - Caterina Tiazzoldi
- Experimentation of a new adaptive model for envelope system - Evelyn Grillo, Sara Sansotta
- The contribution of energy alleviaton to sustainable future. Eastern European Urban Context - Georgi Georgiev
- Futuredesign. Reflections at the limit of impossible - Dario Russo
- Designing the futurem. Open discussion on design ethics - Tiziano Manna
- Territorial design and networking. Blended strategies to redesign future connections - Irene Fiesoli
- Urban points of rest. An emerging digitally fabricated modular system - Lina Ahmad, Marco Sosa
Possible and Preferable Scenarios of a Sustainable Future – Towards 2030 and Beyond
Project into the Future. Introductory essay on the topic
pp. 5-11
Cesare Sposito
Author(s) Biography
Cesare Sposito, Architect and PhD, is an Associate Professor of Architectural Technology and teaches the Building Technology Studio and the Environmental Design Studio at the Department of Architecture – University of Palermo (IT). He is a Member of the PhD Board in Architecture, Arts and Planning, the Scientific Director of the publishing series on ‘Project | Essays and Researches’, a founding Member of the DEMETRA Ce.Ri.Med. (Euro-Mediterranean Documentation and Research Centre) and of SITdA (Società Italiana della Tecnologia dell’Architettura) and the Editor-in-chief of ‘Agathón | International Journal of Architecture Art and Design’. He carries out research on protection systems for archaeological sites, the recovery of abandoned industrial areas, social housing, innovative materials for architecture, nanotechnologies, and on energy saving of buildings
Tipologia | Cartaceo, PDF |
Autore | Cesare Sposito |
Data di pubblicazione | Gennaio 2021 |
Editore | PUP |
ISBN | 978-88-5509-209-8, 978-88-5509-232-6 |
Pagine | 232 |