Resilience – Between mitigation and adaptation
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- Introduction - Fabrizio Tucci, Cesare Sposito
- Innovative applications and experiments for the protection of archaeological sites - Cesare Sposito, Santina Di Salvo
- Depopulation of small urban centers cultural landscape as resource for local communities - Maria Teresa Campisi
- Resilience, repopulation and recovery of the built heritage in central sicily - Giuseppe Giugno
- Lebanon resilien new scenarios of development and future growths directions - Silvia Mazzetto
- Principles of resilience and regenerative design in coastal environment - Rosa Maria Vitrano
- Durability in a resilien design approach - Maria Canepa, Chiara Piccardo, Andrea Giacchetta
- Adaptive dimension in architecture modular and transformable structures as an alternative to traditional building systems - Annarita Zarillo
- Resilience and public space qualitycombination for the contemporary city - Maria Giada Di Baldassarre
- Adaptation in virtual worlds - Jean-Marc Gauthier
- Resilience, adaptation and mitigation under a green building approach - Fabrizio Tucci, Serena Baiani, Domenico D'Olimpio, Paola Altamura, Gaia Turchetti
- Digital technologies supporting multidisciplinary approaches for climate adaptation - Clara Vite, Guido Emilio Rossi
- Environmental design, coastal areas and climate impacts - Maria Fabrizia Clemente
- Resilient strategies for marginal areas' development the case of Avellino smart polis - Elena Gigliarelli, Bruna Di Palma
- Resilient restoration and reuse methods, instruments and tools - Marco Morandotti, Daniela Besana
- Assessing the heriatge adaptive reuse in Qatar - Silvia Mazzetto
- Doss San'Agata in Trento an evolutionist approach to architecture and landscape - Francesco Giampiccolo, Giovanna A. Massari
- Startegies for religious heritage implementing the conservation plan in Naples - Maria Vittoria Iazzetti, Crescenzo Mazzuccolo
- Age-frinedly living environment in support of resilient society in the bulgarian context - Georgi Georgiev
- Partecipatory design models resilience-based re-semantization of territory - Miriam Mariani
- Towards a new resilience culture relational design and workshops of social innovation for fragile areas in central-southern Italy - Marco Manfra, Davide Turrini
Fabrizio Tucci, Cesare Sposito
Author(s) Biography
Fabrizio Tucci is a Full Professor in Technology of Architecture and Environmental Design, Sapienza University of Rome, where he is Director of the PhD Program in ‘Planning Design Technology of Architecture’. Member of the Directive Committee of the SITdA (Italian Society of Architectural Technology), Coordinator of the National Cluster NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Building) of SITdA, Director of the National Workgroup of the General States of the Green Economy for Architecture and Urban Planning, and Coordinator of the International ‘Green City Network’, Sustainable Development Foundation.
Cesare Sposito, Architect and PhD, is an Associate Professor of Building Technology at the Department of Architecture, University of Palermo, Italy. He was Component of the PhD Board in ‘Recovery of Ancient Contexts and Innovative Processes in Architecture’, from 2007 to 2012. Since 2015, he has been a member of several scientific committees in international conferences and in publishing series. He is a co-founding member of the Euro-Mediterranean Documentation and Research Centre (DEMETRA Ce.Ri.Med.), member of the Italian Society of Technology (SITdA) and Editor in Chief of AGATHÓN (International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design). He carries out research on ‘Energy Saving of Buildings’, ‘Nanotechnologies and Innovative Materials’, ‘Protection Systems for Archaeological Sites’ and ‘Recovery of Abandoned Industrial Areas’
Tipologia | Cartaceo, PDF |
Autore | Cesare Sposito, Fabrizio Tucci |
Data di pubblicazione | gennaio 2020 |
ISBN | 978-88-5509-094-0, 978-88-5509-096-4 |
Pagine | 359 |