The dark side of the business_an italian perspective
Cartaceo 12,00€ - Digitale 0,00€
This volume not only brilliantly proceeds in the renowned tradition of the publications of the Department “Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali (DEMS)” of the University of Palermo and, in particular, of those related to the Studies and Researches conducted by the doctorate on “Dinamica dei sistemi”. It also concentrates, through a number of contributions of well qualified authors, on a topic that has for a long time occupied the minds of policy-makers, lawyers, sociologists throughout the world; that is the destroying effect on global economy and stability, apart from in- stitutional integrity, which derives from the carrying out, on a wide-spread scale, of criminal conducts in the field of economic activities.
Tipologia | Cartaceo, PDF |
Autore | AA. VV. |
Data di pubblicazione | Gennaio 2023 |
Editore | PUP |
ISBN | 978-88-5509-498-6 (cartaceo) – 978-88-5509-499-3 (web) |
Pagine | 145 |