Re-inhabited islands. Mapping a design model for resilient territories in the Mediterranean
depopulation, sustainable development, tourism, architectural design, Antikythera
Facing the European challenge of rural land abandonment, reactivation strategies are implemented to counter the shrinking phenomenon and to properly address the issues of conservation and enhancement of the landscape, conceived as a result of natural and anthropic transformations, cultural and societal changes over time. The paper aims at drafting possible approaches for such a regeneration design, also through the case of Antikythera, Greece, a significant example of Mediterranean cultural landscape. Based on the interpretive analysis of the place and supported by case studies, possible design models are disclosed, according to the categories of connectivity, resignification, participation, and communication. Final considerations are introduced in order to contribute to the debate and to define the strategies for the regeneration of Mediterranean landscapes, improving their resilience.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 14-31
Laura Daglio, Stamatina Kousidi
Author(s) Biography
Laura Daglio, Architect and PhD, is an Associate Professor in Architectural Technology at the Department of Architecture, Built environment and Construction engineering (DABC), Politecnico di Milano (Italy). Member of the ABC-PhD Board, her research activities focus on environmental design and sustainability in architecture as well as on the regeneration of the built environment at the different scales. Mob. +39 3338/80.62.751 | E-mail: laura.daglio@polimi.it
Stamatina Kousidi, Architect and PhD, is an Assistant Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU), Politecnico di Milano (Italy). Member of the Board of Experts at the PhD AUID-DAStU. Her research is at the interface of theories and projects of the modern and contemporary eras with an emphasis on the environmental aspects of architecture. Mob. +39 342/62.32.275 | E-mail: stamatina.kousidi@polimi.it
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