climate change, environmental quality, adaptive components, building envelope, adaptive design
In recent years, the construction sector is pushed to accelerate the development of technical solutions to increase building envelopes’ performance compared to the various climatic changes that involve the built environment. The contribution illustrates ongoing experimental research whose intent is to address a design methodology through adaptive design techniques responding dynamically to contextual conditions of reference. The operating methods are based on the construction of dynamic simulation scenarios to create a highly adaptive model, which can be used as a component for advanced envelopes. With the support of the TCLab section of BFL, the model’s development and testing intend to implement technical solutions with possible explanations of prototype lines.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
pp. 166-177
Evelyn Grillo, Sara Sansotta
Author(s) Biography
Evelyn Grillo, Architect and PhD Candidate at the Department of Architecture and Territory of the ‘Mediterranea’ University of Reggio Calabria (Italy), carries out research activities mainly in the field of energy efficiency of building envelopes, specifically investigating the innovation of single materials and components, for the control of the relationships between building and context. Mob. +39 346/08.83.992 | E-mail: evely.grillo@unirc.it
Sara Sansotta, Architect and PhD Candidate at the Department of Architecture and Territory of the ‘Mediterranea’ University of Reggio Calabria (Italy), carries out research activities in the field of building envelopes to verify energy and seismic performance through simulation and monitoring of real behaviours of technological systems. Mob. +39 327/73.16.143 | E-mail: sara.sansotta@unirc.it
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