The promoting of short supply chain wood products protecting biodiversity
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/7102022
forest bio-economy, biodiversity, wood technology, short supply chain products, vertical perimeter walls
The Italian forest area, about 40% of our territory, represents a resource that requires sustainable management plans focused on the protection of biodiversity, with timber for the construction sector coming as much as possible from native wood species, exploiting the opportunities offered by the forest bio-economy. The paper starts from the national wood supply/demand gap and presents a survey of local species potentially usable for Vertical Perimeter Walls with exposed wood. Analysis and evaluation of the case study solutions adopted in buildings that foresaw the use of short supply chain species for the external and internal cladding layers in line with sustainability criteria and functional and architectural characterisation (Availability, Recyclability, Integration Maintainability and Appearance). The structure of a multi-criteria analysis to apply to them, providing relevant references for developing a ‘repertoire of technical solutions’ of Vertical Perimeter Walls, as a tool for making sustainable design choices.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
pp. 172-191
Tiziana Ferrante, Teresa Villani
Author(s) Biography
Tiziana Ferrante, Architect and PhD, is a Full Professor in Technology of Architecture at the Department of Planning Design Architecture Technology of the ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy). She conducts research and experimentation on the themes of design quality in the building process in terms of process and product innovation in planning, programming, design and evaluation in the operational phase for health and social services. She participates as an Expert in institutional commissions for project evaluation, drafting of guidelines and technical regulations. E-mail: tiziana.ferrante@uniroma1.it
Teresa Villani, Architect and PhD, is an Associate Professor in Technology of Architecture at the Department of Planning Design Architecture Technology of the ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy). She carries out research activities mainly in the field of building quality control through methods of detection and performance evaluation of the technological components of buildings and tools for the technical control of the project. Mob. +39 349/59.50.221 | E-mail: teresa.villani@uniroma1.it
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