lean-production, discrete architecture, digital fabrication, community involvement, prototype
The paper presents a case study of a developed production system designed to produce customized social settings and spatial enclosures, responding to specific social needs of a particular group within an identified social unit. The paper describes the relation between digital fabrication and the rules for design and assembly; how varied interlinked parameters are generated towards the realization of the final design. The presented case study narrates and reflects upon the system deployment within a selected context; an academic regional setting with a monocultural learners’ population. Going back and forth between practical and digital evaluation, the paper describes the sequential stages of applied design and several prototypes realization. The case study; Urban points of rest, argues for a design variation within formulated digital fabrication systems in par with user participation.
Design | Research & Experimentation
pp. 232-247
Lina Ahmad, Marco Sosa
Author(s) Biography
Lina Ahmad, Architect and M.Arch, is an Associate Professor and Assistant Chair of Design at the College of Arts and Creative Enterprises at Zayed University (United Arab Emirates). She is an advocate of digital fabrication technology and its impact in regional higher education and UAE Creative Industry. She co-founded LIMass, a unit dedicated to prompting creative design solutions within UAE community. E-mail: lina.ahmad@zu.ac.ae
Marco Sosa, Architect and MA, is an Associate Professor and Chair of Design at the College of Arts and Creative Enterprises at Zayed University (United Arab Emirates). He is an advocate of digital fabrication technology and its impact in regional higher education and UAE Creative Industry. In 2014, Marco was appointed Head of Design for the 1st Architecture Pavilion UAE at the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale. E-mail: marco.sosa@zu.ac.ae
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