Vulture Park Living Lab. A people-based cultural lab for the Vulture Regional Park
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/732022
the nature park, participation, regeneration, living lab, sustainability
The Vulture Regional Park is unique from a geomorphological point of view and provides an opportunity to experiment with the concept of participation and community. It represents an ideal and privileged ‘design yard’ for experimenting with an ‘ecological conversion of socio-territorial models’ and, at the same time, a significant scientific challenge for the study of a Rural and Creativity Living Lab, enhanced through a ‘place-based’ and ‘people-oriented’ approach that for the first time in the history of Living Labs is applied to a Park. The main objective of this essay is, therefore, to present the Living Lab model that the University of Naples is about to implement in the context of the Vulture Park, through a pilot project highly focused on the needs of the inhabitants of Basilicata, to assess its contribution to sustainable rural development. The paper argues that the element of community and cultural identity should be considered an essential element to enable sustainable living.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 46-67
Giusy Sica
Author(s) Biography
Giusy Sica, Research Fellow at the L.U.P.T. Centre of the ‘Federico II’ University’ of Naples (Italy), conducts research in cultural and social regeneration, local development, youth involvement in inland areas, inclusion and sustainability. Co-leader and coordinator for Officina Keller in the Horizon2020 VOJEXT, she is the Scientific Responsible of the Hub ‘Policies for cultural and creative enterprises’ of the High Observatory for European Policies and Founder of the think tank ‘Re-generation (Y)-outh’ that deals with policy making at Italian and European level. Mob. +39 349/17.88.146 | E-mail: giusy.sica@unina.it
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