combinatorial, atmosphere, cities, architecture, robustness
The Robustness of Cities – 2030 Contended Visions will tackle the main dominant factors of 2030 agendas of different governments and institutions. These multiple factors can sometimes present a form of rivalry. As in La Città Contesa (lit. The Contended City), where Zucconi describes how, after the unification of Italy in 1861, it was necessary to define a new approach to Italian cities and territories with a succession of dominant criteria along half a century, raising the necessity to hierarchize different competing factors. The essay will expose the Robustness Theory – developed by Japanese engineer and statistician Genichi Taguchi – and how it could be applied in architecture. By adopting the 3-phases methodology Combinatorial Architecture developed by the author as Director of the Research Lab Non-Linear Solutions Unit (NSU) at Columbia University, C.A., the contribution will approach some of the 2030 most relevant factors in New Cities, Smart Cities, Small and Smart Settlements as well as how to combine Human Atmosphere and Cultural Heritage, Technology, Sustainability and Natural heritage and how to mitigate the difference between priorities.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
pp. 136-165
Caterina Tiazzoldi
Author(s) Biography
Caterina Tiazzoldi, PhD and Master of Science in Architectural Design at Columbia University, is an Adjunct Professor at the Rhode Island School of Design (US). She is the former co-Founder and Director (from 2005 to 2015) of the Research Lab of Non-Linear Solutions Unit at Columbia University. She won the Architecture Rivelate Award and was a finalist at the Renzo Piano Award for a Young Italian Architect. Her interests focus on the cross-pollination between architecture, sciences and social innovation, time responsive architectural design, typological innovation, and resilience in architectural design methodology. Mob. +39 345/61.33.730 | E-mail: caterina@tiazzoldi.org
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