Agrigento, form, space, interscalar approach, city
The interscalar approach to the project is a dimension and an operative parameter through which it’s possible to know the territory and its relations with urban systems in order to understand its principles, nature, organization and role played in different contexts: however, it’s very often understood as a mere technical tool that allows you to show details and relationships between the parties and to identify adequate strategies for action and planning of interventions. The following contribution aims to bring the concept of intercalarity to morphological and typological as well as spatial characters, taking the city of Agrigento as a case study, analyzing it starting from an ‘oversized’ dimension (the temples) up to infinitely small (the house). An interscalar approach, therefore, intended as a key to understanding all those factors indispensable for understanding the form and space of the «[…] city the most beautiful of the many hotels that are mankind […]» (Pindar, XII Pitica).
pp. 84-101
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
The city of Agrigento. The form and the space of the city: an interscalar approach
Ermelinda Di Chiara
Author(s) Biography
Architect, is a PhD Candidate in Architecture and Construction (Urban Morphology curriculum) at the ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy). Among the research topics, there’s the relationship between contemporary architecture and historical context, examined in depth, in particular, to the case of Venice and a project for Palazzo Venier dei Leoni. Mob. +39 346/65.79.431 | E-mail: ermelinda.dichiara@uniroma1.it
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