strategic design, territorial networking, innovation technologies, circular economy, knowledge
Today, sustainable innovation is meant to evolve from the linear model to the circular one. Attempts are made to offer – starting from a knowledge and training upgrade – a new innovative society (Society 5.0) where companies are part of complex relational systems leading to the creation of new sustainable and interconnected supply chains (territorial networking). In this context, the design develops new project visions based on relational paradigms and represents the bridge between technological innovation and social contexts, since it is able to shape technology by harmonising it with cultural, social, economic and political elements.
Design | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 218-231
Irene Fiesoli
Author(s) Biography
Irene Fiesoli, Designer and PhD in Architecture, is a Research Fellow at the Department of Architecture DIDA of the University of Florence (Italy). She carries out research activities at the Sustainable Design Laboratory, especially in the Strategic Design field for territorial systems, in the Design and Sustainable Design fields for social innovation. She has followed, as a representative for the Department of Architecture, many regional Research and Development projects, both at an international and European level, such as two Erasmus+ projects and a Tempus project. Mob. +39 329/15.79.201 | E-mail: irene.fiesoli@unifi.it
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