Second life in sustainable fashion design. The contribution of Made in Italy
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-291-3/6132021
made in Italy, fashion design, genius loci, environment-centred design, circular economy
The article aims to highlight the process, product and cultural innovations implemented by the Italian fashion design manufacturing sector as a part of an overall environment-centred strategy. The analysis of these innovations makes it possible to identify a sustainable approach to design in The Made in Italy sector. This approach is typical and linked to its territory, therefore it can be defined as a true Italian way. The aim is to demonstrate, through case studies, the need and desire of the Italian Fashion System to show a way to respond to environmental problems. In the same way, we intend to underline how eco-innovation in this sector provides solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of our resources, becoming a driving factor for environmentally friendly economic growth.
Design | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 224-243
Benedetta Terenzi, Elisabetta Benelli
Author(s) Biography
Benedetta Terenzi, Architect and PhD, is a Professor of Design at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia (Italy). She is teacher and a researcher in the field of territorial design and aims to enhance the territory and material and immaterial local resources in terms of environmental sustainability and circular economy. Mob. +39 393/44.17.696 | E-mail: benedetta.terenzi@unipg.it
Elisabetta Benelli is a Professor of Design and Fashion at the University of Florence (Italy) and Vice President of the master’s degree Course in Fashion System Design. She is a teacher and researcher in the field of product design, focusing in particular on fashion and communication Design. Mob. +39 347/90.53.737 | E-mail: elisabetta.benelli@unifi.it
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