Patient-centred and technological-centred approaches. Patient room adaptability solutions
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/782022
patient-centred vision, bio-technology-centred vision, intensive care patient room, acuity adaptable rooms, universal bed care delivery
Starting from the study of the spatial/technological organization models of the hospital room (Intensive Care Patient Room, Acuity Adaptable Rooms, Universal Bed Care Delivery) and the main trends regarding the modernization of the architectures of the Italian National Health Service, increasingly attentive to the human dimension and the digital/technological dimension, the paper aims to define design alternatives for the hospital room, trying to combine spatial/technological flexibility with organizational flexibility to optimize workflow in care processes and the appropriateness of spaces to the psycho-physical-social well-being of all the users involved.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 132-147
Cristiana Cellucci
Author(s) Biography
Cristiana Cellucci, Architect and PhD in Architectural Technology, is a Researcher at Iuav, University of Venice (Italy). She has carried out research and teaching activities in Italy on the human factor as an integral part of the design and on implementing flexibility, inclusivity and well-being requirements through solutions to improve user interactions with places, equipment and technologies. Mob. +39 380/59.46.017 | E-mail: ccellucci@iuav.it
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