habitat, common housing, housing services, associative rating, community building
The research starts from a study carried out for Confcooperative Habitat, which focused on the systematic analysis of the materials produced for the launch of a new season of the cooperative movement. The goal is to improve the active action on communities for a tangible social impact able to propose a model that knows how to enhance the common urban spaces within the interventions. Finding the new needs and the new processes that characterize living, outlined also in their condominium and urban dimension of ‘common good’, therefore of ‘common housing’. The procedural model proposed and modulated in an evolved platform, seeks to multiply the common practices of living in the city and live in harmony with the built environment, building networks of services with the community.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
New digital instruments for the community building in housing cooperatives
pp. 171-184
Luciana Mastrolonardo, Salvatore Di Dio, Giuseppe Spataro, Giulia Sala, Domenico Schillaci
Author(s) Biography
Luciana Mastrolonardo, PhD, Contract Professor | School of Architecture and Design of Ascoli, Italy
Salvatore Di Dio, PhD | University of Palermo, Italy
Giuseppe Spataro, Progect Manager of PUSH, design laboratory of urban and social innovation, Italy
Giulia Sala, Urban Planner of PUSH, design laboratory of urban and social innovation, Italy
Domenico Schillaci, Urban Planner of PUSH, design laboratory of urban and social innovation, Italy
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