Multidisciplinary approach to Landscape Design
landscape architecture, urban biodiversity, habitat, ecological landscape design, design for nature
The European strategy to meet the sustainable development objectives which were put in place by the European Green Deal and the ‘European Taxonomy’ has created a need for the greening of our cities, intending to improve equity in terms of access, distribution, and the quality of green areas, as well as the promotion of human well-being and social justice, while also including species other than humans. The implementation of Nature-Based Solutions, however, such as Blue and Green Infrastructure, can only be accomplished through the adoption of multidisciplinary approaches. It is therefore imperative that future landscapers are equipped with the ability to relate to and collaborate with other specialists and colleagues from other disciplines. With this objective, this paper presents two research activities which investigate two different teaching methodologies, within both public and private green spaces: the ‘Ecological Driven Design’ (EDD) and the ‘Green Experience Laboratory’ (GE-Lab).
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 12-29
Chiara Catalano, Mariagrazia Leonardi
Author(s) Biography
Chiara Catalano, Architect and Urban Ecologist, PhD, is a Researcher at the research group ‘Green Space Development’ of the University of Applied Sciences Zurich (ZHAW, Switzerland) where she conducts research on urban vegetation, the creation of urban green infrastructures and bio-receptive buildings able to accommodate spontaneous flora and fauna. Mob (IT): +39 328/805.96.36 | Email: cata@zhaw.ch
Mariagrazia Leonardi, Building Engineer and PhD, former research fellow of architectural design in Catania (Italy), is a contract Lecturer at the University of Catania (Italy) and carries out research on the themes of landscape design and redevelopment with particular attention to urban, historical and rural landscape aspects. Mob. +39 338/900.26.91 | E-mail: mariagrazia.leonardi@unict.it
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