working process innovation, operating methodology, industry 4.0, network, design thinking
This report claims to analyse and describe the way a professional designer’s work is evolving, focusing on the liaison with industry. What company role do designers play and what skills do they master? What aims do they have? Modern technologies and a change in the socio-economical background have revolutionised enterprises. Design must now breach new and unexplored boundaries concerning both engineering and innovation. The rising professional figure, capable of dealing with these complexities, expert designer, skilled manager, coordinator of distinct aspects of knowledge, will fulfil the definition of Hyper-designer.
Design | Essays & Viewpoint
Hyper-designer. Designer figure and practice in advanced business contexts
pp. 199-206
Mario Bisson, Luca Pizzolato, Stefania Palmieri
Author(s) Biography
Mario Bisson, Associate Professor | Design Department of Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Luca Pizzolato, Teaching Assistant | Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Stefania Palmieri, PhD | Design Department of Politecnico di Milano, Italy
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