climate change, coastal cities, Mediterranean, urban planning, ID technologies
In the last years, environmental issues have grown in relevance, both in the realm of theoretical work and in their operative dimension. Coastal areas, as liminal urban areas that are characterized by a highly dynamic environment, are also sensitive areas concerning the climate. In this context, the Mediterranean region can be considered a hot-spot of climate change. Based on the theoretical concepts used here, this contribution seeks to identify innovative research methods and analytical models to facilitate decision-making processes for resilient urban renewal on coastal areas. The predictive ability of masterplans depends, indeed, on the integration and the elaboration of different data within such plans.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
Environmental design, coastal areas and climate impacts
pp. 210-225
Maria Fabrizia Clemente
Author(s) Biography
Maria Fabrizia Clemente, Architect, is a PhD student in Architecture at the Department of Architecture of the ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy). She carries out research activities mainly in the field of environmental design, sustainable technologies, recovery and representation of architecture and environment.
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