adaptation, memory, evolution, knowledge, valorisation project
Doss Sant’Agata is a hill near Povo (Trento, Italy) that has been forgotten for decades but of very ancient anthropization, on which over time the most various settlement experiences became embedded. A castle was built in 13th and 14th century, hill’s slopes were cultivated until the 1970s, and nowadays the only survived architecture is the St. Agatha Church, likely built in the 16th century, a small but meaningful palimpsest where both the actions of men and nature are matched. The roof of the church, which was seriously damaged, prompted the local community to take action to safeguard the entire site; then the collaboration between inhabitants, the University and various bodies of the Autonomous Province of Trento has allowed the development of a participatory, pragmatic and sustainable project for a systemic requalification of such a complex historical heritage.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
Doss Sant’Agata in Trento. An evolutionist approach to architecture and landscape
pp. 274-287
Francesco Giampiccolo, Giovanna A. Massari
Author(s) Biography
Francesco Giampiccolo, architect and engineer, graduated in Building Engineering-Architecture in the Department of Civil Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento (Italy). He carries out the professional activity at the studio Arca Engineering Srl, at the same time he carries out competition and research activity in the field of architecture for archaeology and architectural restoration.
Giovanna A. Massari, architect and PhD, is an Associate Professor of Drawing at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento (Italy). Editor in chief of the XY magazine, she carries out research in the fields of architectural, urban and environmental survey, as well as graphic representation and multimedia communication.
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