Design experimentation for built environment’s care
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-291-3/672021
design research, environmental control, urban regeneration, sustainability, public engagement
In view of the necessary change towards reduced land use, reuse of built environment and urban regeneration, this research-action looks at the redevelopment of peri-urban and complex urban areas, where the contributions of different subjects converge towards the circular reuse of spaces and buildings, opening new scenarios for the regeneration of cities. The cooperation with university research and public administrations planning is central to the methodology used for the proposed project experimentations. This provides opportunities for action on urban systems for the future of citizens. The documented design experiments focus on abandoned residential, industrial and management architectures, subject to the application of environmental control techniques, technological retrofit, formal re-design and development of new social opportunities.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
pp. 110-135
Ludovica Gregori, Maria De Santis
Author(s) Biography
Ludovica Gregori is a Phd Candidate in Sustainability and Innovation for the Built Environment Project and Product System at the Department of Architecture of Florence (Italy). Her research areas include post-emergency living according to resilient design methods and sustainable living, through the development of approaches to building reuse. Mob. +39 339/82.78.799 | E-mail: ludovica.gregori@unifi.it
Maria De Santis, Architect, is an Associate Professor of Architecture Technology at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence (Italy). She carries out research in techno-typological innovation of models of living fields (social housing), in flexibility and reversibility of building in useful life cycle perspective, building environmental sustainability and technological innovation in residential constructions and specialised facilities. Mob. +39 338/79.21.660 | E-mail: maria.desantis@unifi.it
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