BIM, IOT and AAL. Digital modelling and 4.0 management of care and assistance services
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/7132022
ambient assisted living, building information modelling, healthcare design and management, internet of things, industry 4.0
The transition towards digital healthcare is considered by the EU as a successful approach to improve assistance access and care quality and to increase the efficiency of the healthcare system. The use of BIM, IoT technologies and ICT applications in the Architectural Engineering and Construction Industry (AEC) can provide important benefits to the implementation of effective design and management processes, revolutionising the design of buildings used to provide care and assistance services. Starting from the comparison with some design experimentation experiences carried out during the pandemic, this paper deals with the development of a digital model of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) where the BIM method is used to facilitate the interoperability of the data concerning IoT devices and the management of Facility Management activities linked to it.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
pp. 228-247
Anna Mangiatordi
Author(s) Biography
Anna Mangiatordi, Architect and PhD, is a Temporary Researcher and Adjunct Professor of the Degree Course in Green Infrastructures and Biomaterials. She carries out research activities at LAB.ITECH, the DIAP Department of the University ‘Sapienza’ in Rome (Italy) on smart typological and technological innovation in buildings for vulnerable and elderly users (AAL), green technologies and nature-based materials, and the use of methods and digital tools to control and handle the project. Mob. +39 347/38.53.532 | E-mail: anna.mangiatordi@uniroma1.it
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