Augmented reality for the heritage. Basilica SS. Medici in Alberobello, a case study
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/7122022
augmented reality, extended reality, architecture, heritage, virtual architecture
This paper wants to delve into the use of augmented reality to support the architectural heritage, by describing a specific case study on the Basilica SS. Medici in Alberobello. The Basilica was never finished. Its dome at the crossing of the nave is missing, a flat slab is in its place. This also affects its external appearance, the absence of the tholobate makes the building appear incomplete, so much so that the community repeatedly tried to complete the project. Therefore, the creation of an Augmented Reality app (AM) was considered helpful to make the users see the sacred space as it was ideated by its designer, based on a reconstruction process recently developed by scholars and architects from Politecnico di Bari.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
pp. 214-227
Ilaria Cavaliere
Author(s) Biography
Ilaria Cavaliere, Architect, is a PhD Candidate at the DICAR department of Politecnico di Bari (Italy). She carries out research mainly in the field of 3D printing for the architecture of virtual reality and augmented reality. Mob. +39 366/42.21.735 | E-mail: ilaria.cavaliere@poliba.it
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