national identity, architectural heritage, conservation, change of use, cultural enhancement
In recent years, Qatar, a growing country in the Gulf Regions, has experienced an intense conflict about the national direction of development, oscillating between the construction of a contemporary global image, and the rehabilitation of national heritage to appreciate the local culture. This paper discusses some adaptive re-use interventions, recently concluded on Qatari heritage, which have been compared by adopting the assessment principles of socio-economic, socio-cultural, environmental, and sustainable values. The results show that there are direct relationships between the reuse of Qatar’s heritage, the preservation of traditional materials, the promotion of cultural values, and adaptation to the country’s climate.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
Assessing the heritage adaptive reuse in Qatar
pp. 260-273
Silvia Mazzetto
Author(s) Biography
Silvia Mazzetto, Architect, Conservator and PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture and Interior Design, LAU Lebanese American University, in Beirut (Lebanon). She carries out research activities mainly in the field of preservation and rehabilitation of architectural heritage in Middle Eastern countries, with attention to resilient strategies and complex forms of adaptation to environmental and historical conditions. She has developed many reflections on the relationship between the conservation of heritage and the identity of a new project. These themes are particularly attractive during the transformation and adaptation of reused buildings.
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