Digital design, technology and sustainable impact. From apparent contradiction to strong coalition
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/7162022
digital sustainability, smart system, co-design, collaborative platform, service design
Design, through its ability to predict future scenarios, has the role of meeting the challenges posed by current digitization in relation to the apparent dichotomy with the sustainable dimension. This aspect is explored in the article through the analysis of the SMAG and COLUX projects. The first develops a product-service system equipped with an advanced technological set-up capable of controlling the vital parameters of green spaces. The second designs an innovative platform for creating virtual environments for co-designing products and living spaces using AR and VR. The main focus of the projects concerns the innovation of the design/management process in real time of the services through direct comparison with the actors involved in a perspective of environmental, economic and social sustainability. Such research emphasizes the importance of the repercussions of digitization and the role of design in a ‘digicircular’ transformation framework aimed at increasingly sustainable practices.
Design | Research & Experimentation
pp. 288-305
Irene Fiesoli, Eleonora D’Ascenzi
Author(s) Biography
Irene Fiesoli is a Designer and a Research Fellow at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence (Italy). She completed her PhD in Architecture (curriculum Design) at the University of Florence and she is involved in research activities at the Design Sustainability Lab, specializing in the sectors of Industry 4.0, Strategic Design for territorial systems, and Digital Design. Mob. +39 329/15.79.201 | E-mail: irene.fiesoli@unifi.it
Eleonora D’Ascenzi, Architect, is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence. She pursued a Research Master at the University of New South Wales and she is currently collaborating with the Design Sustainability Lab at the University of Florence. Her fields of interest are related to virtual reality, industry 4.0, user experience, and neuro-architecture. Mob. +39 346/01.611.87 | E-mail: eleonora.dascenzi@unifi.it
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