Nature and Heritage. Approaches to transform urbanised water landscapes
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-446-7/752022
landscape, territory, urbanised environment, nature, heritage
Each design project on the water landscape requires the acquisition of a specific behaviour towards nature: clarifying the requirements of the observed attitudes is fundamental to considering which value system should be shared in the ecological conversion of the urbanised environment. Among the most used approaches, the contrast between an anthropocentric and ecocentric debate shows the existence of a crippling dichotomy between nature and culture, that some environment-oriented approaches try to mend and overcome. In the experiments aimed at this objective, the heritage has a crucial role in the territory project, even with the wide range of interpretations and practices, as it emerges from the analysis of three case studies: the new paradigms originated in the Netherlands in river and heritage management, the experience of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia catalogues, and the Territorialist School’s concept of territorial heritage.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 84-97
Giulia Luciani
Author(s) Biography
Giulia Luciani, Engineer, is a PhD Candidate in Infrastructures and Transport at the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) at the ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (Italy). Her PhD thesis, entitled ‘Complex legacies – Urbanised deltas between waters, heritages, cities’, focuses on the historic relations between man-made environment and water thresholds. Mob. +39 334/355.25.95 | E-mail: giu.luciani@uniroma1.it
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