Future scenarios. The new life of the fashion industry in the post-pandemic scenario
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-291-3/6122021
fashion, covid-19, sustainability, future studies, design
Worrying about the future means worrying about changes, both present and future environmental changes. But how will dramatic changes and consumer behaviour in a post-coronavirus world affect the future of fashion? What assets can design provide to rewire a system that has faltered so much? This essay aims to give meaning to the Covid-19 crisis by placing it precisely in the clothing industry context. It investigates the complex fashion system and the dynamics that are currently shaping this sector, catalysing it towards a sustainable new life. The paper also analyses future scenarios existing in the fashion industry to define some guidelines for preferable post-pandemic future.
Design | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 212-223
Cristina Marino, Chiara L. Remondino
Author(s) Biography
Cristina Marino, Designer, is a PhD Candidate in Management, Production and Design at the Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy). She carries out research activities mainly in the field of systemic design applied to the fashion industry. Mob. +39 328/05.68.111 | E-mail: cristina.marino@polito.it
Chiara L. Remondino, PhD, is a Research Fellow at the Department of Architecture and Design of the Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy). She carries out research activities mainly in the field of communication of complex systems. Mob. +39 346/37.24.097 | E-mail: chiara.remondino@polito.it
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