STOP (-UP) the destruction. A design upgrade for the regeneration of devastated sites
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-291-3/6102021
earthquake, devastation, dwelling, provisional works, stop cards
After an earthquake, the devastated / uninhabited city receives a new occupation: the provisional securing works that transform the image and the use of the places. One wonders about the possibility of considering these works as elements of regeneration of a landscape in which the community can still recognize itself. It is possible to re-read this type of interventions from an architectural point of view, interpreting them as parts of an installation capable of making the city usable. The investigative paper is supplemented by a design experimentation carried out in the city of Norcia, hit by an earthquake in 2016. In particular, from the securing project of the Monastery of Sant’Antonio, a generalization of the possibilities of intervention has been reached with the aim of rethinking the STOP-UP Vademecum cards (where STOP-UP stands for Schede Tecniche delle Opere Provvisionali e Usi Potenziali, that is Technical specification of Provisional Works and Potential Uses).
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
pp. 174-191
Maria Masi
Author(s) Biography
Maria Masi, Architect and PhD Candidate in Philosophy of Architectural Interior at the Department of Architecture – Department of Humanities of the ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy), investigates on the condition of the post-disaster city and, particularly, on the possibility of identifying design practices aimed at avoiding abandonment and ensuring continuity of living. Mob. +39 333/30.44.930 | Email: maria.masi@unina.it
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