Residuals as resource. Urban strategies for the former Manifattura Tabacchi in Naples
doi.org/ 10.19229/978-88-5509-291-3/632021
urban regeneration, wastescape, urban mining, C&D waste, recycling/up-cycling
The state of abandonment of many Italian territories declared Sites of National Interest (Siti di Interesse Nazionale, SIN) reveals the absence of a shared urban planning strategy leading to rethink the need for non-renewable resources, indispensable for the urban ecosystem. This research – conducted within the Department of Architecture at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’ with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti – reconstructs the political, administrative, and urban events that affected the former tobacco factory Manifattura Tabacchi in Naples, now in a state of abandonment. The research aims to identify zero-waste regeneration strategies and outline new best practices for waste management in the regeneration project of open and built spaces in order to ensure a landscape made up of new ecosystems networks. The research, therefore, proposes a set of actions applicable both in new design processes and in the control and management of the life cycle of existing buildings.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
pp. 54-67
Marianna Ascolese
Author(s) Biography
Marianna Ascolese, Architect and PhD, is a Research Fellow at the Department of Architecture of the ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy). She carries out research activities mainly in public space and urban voids as necessary elements for the reading and interpretation of the city and as places of possible modification to trigger actions of landscape regeneration. Mob. +39 340/79.60.214 | E-mail: marianna.ascolese@unina.it
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