big data, climate change, risk management, flood risk, multiscale approach
In Architecture, as in other disciplines, research is moving to the integration of quantitative variables to support decision-making processes. The introduction of key enabling technologies and the diffusion of big data have enriched the projects with new inputs, the added value lies not in the volume that characterizes these data but in the ability to extract, analyze and interpret the required information through a multiscalar, multidisciplinary and integrated approach. In the context of climate risk management to support resilience projects, plans and policies, the acquisition and processing of an increasing amount of information are required to understand both the complexity that characterizes the territories and that of natural events. Among natural disasters, flood is one of the most devastating, complex and dynamic, remote sensing data and social media data offer as strategic assets for risk management.
pp. 70-83
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
Climate risk management in the big data era. A multiscale, multidisciplinary and integrated approach
Maria Fabrizia Clemente
Author(s) Biography
Architect, is a PhD Candidate in Architecture at the Department of Architecture of the ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy). She carries out research activities mainly in the field of environmental design, sustainable technologies, recovery and representation of architecture and environment. Mob. +39 335/62.27.636 | E-mail: mariafabriziaclemente@gmail.com
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