adaptive facade, Phase Change Materials (PCMs), Thermal Energy Storage (TES), nanotechnology, sustainability
In the building industry, the building envelope can be crucial to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the atmosphere, contributing – with adequate technical and technological solutions and energy-efficient materials – to a prospective energy saving that the European Union estimates at 32.5% by 2030. Creating ‘adaptive’ envelopes in highly energy efficient buildings is an already available option, with thanks to some materials such as Phase Change Materials (PCMs), developed by the research at ‘micro’ and ‘nano’ scales. PCMs give the possibility of reducing the daily fluctuations of the room temperatures through the reduction of indoor temperature peaks. This paper highlights the characteristics, advantages and limits of PCMs, focusing in particular on current research and future scenarios, mostly in relation to the contribution given by nanotechnology to boost the property of these materials used in the building industry.
pp. 44-69
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
Adaptive facade and phase change materials (PCMs). A sustainable approach for building construction
Francesca Scalisi
Author(s) Biography
Architect and PhD, she is a Co-Founder and Head of the Research Department of DEMETRA Ce.Ri.Med. (Euro-Mediterranean Documentation and Research Center), Palermo (Italy). She is a Member of the Editorial Board of Agathón | International Journal of Architecture Art and Design and a Member in several International Steering Committee as well as a Reviewer for various scientific Journals. She carried out research on Green Materials, Innovative Materials for Architecture, Nanomaterials, Energy Saving in Buildings. Her main Research Projects are ‘Natural and artificial innovative materials for architecture’, ‘Nanotechnologies for unfired clay bricks (tradition, innovation and sustainability)’, ‘Recovery and conservation of Architectural Heritage using nanostructured materials and innovative technologies’. E-mail: demetracerimed.scalisi@gmail.com
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