resilience, participation, fragile areas, social design, design for territories
Throughout Italy, there are marginalized settlements often experiencing depopulation phenomena. These places are mostly located in mountainous or island areas, far from large urban cities and their infrastructural roads and, despite a consistent population decline, are still home to a fourth of the Italian population. These data are sufficient to make these peripheral areas the centre of a great national issue, to which a new concept of design of relations, systems, processes and products can stop a negative social and economic trend. This essay aims to highlight strategic scenarios and examples of good practices of relational design on this subject, that were already implemented or that are being implemented, particularly focusing on central-southern Italy.
Design | Essays & Viewpoint
Towards a new resilience culture. Relational design and workshops of social innovation for fragile areas of central-southern Italy
pp. 334-349
Marco Manfra, Davide Turrini
Author(s) Biography
Marco Manfra, systemic designer, is a Postgraduate Researcher at the Department of Architecture in Ferrara (Italy). He carries out research mainly in the fields of sustainable design, eco-design, territorial enhancement and system design.
Davide Turrini, architect and PhD, is a Researcher for Industrial Design at the Department of Architecture in Ferrara (Italy). He carries out research mainly in the fields of product design, eco-design, sustainable design and enhancement of cultural heritage.
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