accessible housing, low-density urbanisation, age-friendly living environment, resilient society, ageing in placeAbstract
The paper is focused on the important issue of an ageing population and the related need to explore and develop prospective forms of the sustainable age-friendly living environment. Due to the accelerating growth of ageing population, such task is having extremely large economic and social effect worldwide. Prospective trends in the development of a manmade environment for elderly people and their relevance to the Bulgarian situation are investigated. The paper summarises also the results from research in regard to specific problems and opportunities for setting up an age-friendly living environment in Bulgaria and formulates the prospective directions of future development in the context of a resilient society.Section
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
Age-friendly living environment in support of resilient society in the Bulgarian context
pp. 310-319
Georgi Georgiev
Author(s) Biography
Georgi Georgiev, Architect and PhD, is a Full Professor at the Department of Architecture, New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria). Chartered member of UK Chartered Institute of Housing, Representative of the Union of Bulgarian Architects in Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) – Working Group on Housing and Living Environment, long term experience in sustainable development, housing, urban and environmental planning and management in transition economies.
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