strategy, conservation, historic centres, religious heritage, conservation plan
The research project presented is the synthesis of two theses of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage, developed between the Universities of Genoa and Naples under the supervision of Prof. Arch. Giovanna Franco, Stefano Francesco Musso and Renata Picone. The study explores the theme of adaptive reuse, applied to the religious heritage of Italian historic centres, in the case study of the Monastery of Saints Severino e Sossio in Naples. The tested tool is that of the Conservation Plan, used as a means to investigate design issues and to guide decision-making processes thus by identifying in a clear and organic way the context, the relationships and finally the significant problem areas of the artefact, to successfully manage the ongoing processes and any changes in the scenario.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
Strategies for religious heritage. Implementing the conservation plan in Naples
pp. 288-309
Maria Vittoria Iazzetti, Crescenzo Mazzuoccolo
Author(s) Biography
Maria Vittoria Iazzetti, Architect, attended the II level Master in Excellence Design for the historic city and the Diploma of Specialist in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at the University of Genoa, is engaged in the field of architectural restoration, conservation and enhancement of existing assets.
Crescenzo Mazzuoccolo, Architect and Specialist in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at the ‘Federico II’ University of Naples, has collaborated in working groups for architectural restoration projects in the academic field, deals with the issues of conservation and reuse of the existing built heritage.
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