adaptation, multidisciplinary approach, digital technologies, urban resilience, interactive architecture
The transition towards a resilient and sustainable city, through an adaptive approach, implies a radical transformation involving all aspects of urban life and the design/building process through a multidisciplinary approach. New digital technologies can enhance the process by facilitating dialogue and collaboration between disciplines. The presented research investigates the complex and mutually determinant relationship between new digital technologies and the construction field. We propose a new interpretation useful to deal with the complexity of the topic which, in highlighting its multidisciplinary approach, analyses the three main macro aspects identified: material, spatial and social.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
Digital technologies supporting multidisciplinary approaches for climate adaptation
pp. 192-209
Clara Vite, Guido Emilio Rossi
Author(s) Biography
Clara Vite, Bulding Engineer and Architect, is a PhD Student at the Department of Architecture and Design Polytechnic School, University of Genoa (Italy). She carries out research activities in the field of sustainable design and optimization of the building process using Building Information Modeling.
Guido Emilio Rossi, Architect, is a PhD Student at the Department of Architecture and Design Polytechnic School, University of Genoa (Italy). He conducts research activities mainly in the context of urban adaptation and in particular about the impacts related to water management.
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