durability, resilience, design for disassembly, use, efficiency
The relationship between architecture and time can be studied from different points of view, for example, concerning physical durability (maintenance, interchangeability), functional temporality (transformability, technological flexibility), aesthetic obsolescence (changes in style and fashion). Today, it seems to be a central topic in relation to the emerging concept of resilience. Considering durability as one of the design variables means being able to evaluate the architecture as an adaptable organism that responds to changing environmental needs. After discussing the topic of time in the culture of sustainable design, the text describes what declinations this topic can assume in relation to the advent of the concept of resilience, applied to architectural design and the present experimentations of Design for Disassembly.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
Durability in a resilient design approach
pp. 98-111
Maria Canepa, Chiara Piccardo, Andrea Giachetta
Author(s) Biography
Maria Canepa, Architect and PhD in Architectural Technology, is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Departments of Architecture and Design of Genova University (Italy). She has carried out researches and teaching activities in Italy on sustainable design and on Near Zero Energy Building, and recently investigated strategies to address Climate Change.
Chiara Piccardo, Architect and PhD in Architectural Technology, is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems of Aalto University (Finland). She has carried out research and teaching activities in Italy, France and Sweden on the sustainable building materials and technologies with a life cycle thinking approach. She has recently investigated design for disassembly in Finnish researches.
Andrea Giachetta, Architect and PhD in Architectural Technology, is an Associate Professor at the University of Studies of Genoa (Italy), Department of Sciences for Architecture. He is the Coordinator of the Science of Architecture Programme Board and a Member of PhD Committee of Research Doctorate in Architecture and Design. His research interests are sustainable design, project teaching.
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